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Designs For Health Endotrim� 120 capsules - EndoTrim� is a comprehensive endocrine balancing formula designed to promote optimal insulin, leptin and cortisol balance. This formula is for anyone wishing to improve body composition. EndoTrim� contains the non-stimulating American ginseng for costisol balance. Banaba, chromium and vanadium are included to enhance glucose control and insulin performance. ForsLean� (Coleus forskohli), Garcinia cambogia, and green tea extract promote lean body mass through ergogenic activity. Activated B vitamins, magnesium and L-carnitine provide nutrients for optimal mitochondrial function and metabolism. N-acetyl-tyrosine supports thyroid function and proper catecholamine balance. The addition of GABA, along with magnesium, provides an element of craving control to this unique product. These nutrients also help keep us calm when stressed. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Trademark Information: Chelazome, Chelavite are registered trademarks of Albion Laboratories, Inc. Chelates covered by U.S. Patents 5,516,925 , 5,614,553 and patents pending. Forslean� is a patented product from Sabinsa Corporation, US Patent No. 5,804,596.